Williams Christian Counseling
Marriage Counseling
When should you consider visiting a Christian marriage counselor?
Adapted from - http://www.faithwriters.com/article-details.php?id=64195
- Does it seem that, despite fervent and consistent prayer, the distance between my spouse and
me is becoming greater and greater?
- Does it seem that walls are going up between us and that communication is either
nonexistent or not very effective?
- Has there been infidelity or strong suspicion of infidelity?
- Is one or both of us finding it difficult to build, maintain, or rebuild trust in our
- Have persistent attempts to resolve issues of trust and commitment been largely
- Do we seem to have lost a sense of God's purpose for our marriage?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it would likely be advantageous for you to
take some time to visit a trained Christian marriage counselor. The counselor will help you and
your spouse look at the issues you're facing, offer sound Biblical counsel, and help you establish
a plan to address them.
What does Christian marriage counseling address?
Adapted from - http://www.faithwriters.com/article-details.php?id=64195
Christian marriage counseling can help you in several areas where you may be struggling. First,
counseling can help you deal with individual concerns that have come up for one or both of you
such as grief, doubt, anger management, and other unresolved concerns. Second, counseling can
help you deal with relational issues, including everything from a loss of closeness, to conflict
resolution, and to infidelity. Third, counseling can help refocus your marriage when one or both
of you feels like you've lost a sense of devotion to God's principles for your
Statements from Clients - Testimonials
"Thank you for your excellent advice yesterday! Your insight is amazing! Wish I was smarter but guess that is why GOD gave us different talents! Treating her as Christ treats the Church is absolutely the right thing to do, love her as Christ loves the Church! Thank you again!"
"I like how you brainstorm with us and help us see different options."
"You have a lot of wisdom to share, thank you."
Williams Christian Counseling disclosures:
I have really enjoyed marriage counseling since my first case back in 1999. It is great
to see hope return in couples when they see that change is possible in their marriage.
I'm not a marriage expert. I'm
single and have never been married. I have had some very good dating experiences, but have not yet met the one God has for me. I feel qualified to do marriage counseling based on: 1. My
education and training by marriage counselors. 2. Experience working with numerous couples. 3. My own relationship experiences.
and 4. Most importantly, guidance, insight, wisdom, and discernment given by the Holy Spirit.
A great number of couples I work with have already been to marriage seminars and may have
read relationship-help books. They already have most of the knowledge needed to change their
relationship for better. What they need is someone to hold them accountable for putting the
knowledge into practice. That is where I can be of value assisting the couple with knowledge
application to change their relationship habits.
Every couple is different. A technique that works well with one couple may not work well with
another couple. Being single enables me to not have biases based on personal experience with
what I believe works best in a marriage.
For Pre-Marital counseling I use Gary Chapman's series titled, "Things I wish I'd known before
we got Married."
For a great number of Marital counseling cases I use Emerson Eggerichs book titled, "Love &
Of course I use a Christ centered approach with all my clients. The following is a sample
plan for a couple that I have worked with, the names have been removed to maintain
confidentiality. Several specific recommendations are added during the counseling sessions.
Sample treatment plan for a couple:
- Husband & Wife will pray at least once daily for healing, reconciliation, improved
communication, and
discernment in their marriage.
- Husband & Wife will have some type of Bible study devotional daily to learn and grow in
their relationship
with the Lord.
- Husband & Wife will get back into church or stay active in church and rededicate their lives
and relationship
to the Lord.
- Husband & Wife will treat each other as they would like to be treated.
- Husband & Wife will exercise at least 30 minutes daily. Exercising is a very effective stress
technique. When stress is managed better conflict is less likely in relationships.
- Husband & Wife will eat healthy daily and avoid snacking on junk food. They will make
sure to get plenty of protein. When possible drink several glasses of water each day. Proper
nutrition helps a person think clearer and negotiate relationships more effectively.
- Husband & Wife will get adequate sleep. Adequate sleep helps a person cope more
effectively with life and enjoy improved overall health.
- Husband & Wife will have a date night at least twice monthly, weekly if possible.
- Based on what is discussed in counseling....husband & wife will do ------------- on a --------
- Based on what is discussed in counseling....wife will do ------------- on a daily basis.
- Based on what is discussed in counseling....husband will do ------------- on a daily
- Husband & Wife are going to read, discuss, and apply skills from , "---------------."
Click here to take the Focus on the Family Marriage Assessment - A valid and reliable
free assessment that Focus on the Family has created to evaluate the strength of 12 essential traits
of your marriage- areas such as communication, conflict, and commitment.
Joseph A. Williams
Email: joseph@williamscc.org
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Christian Counseling
Copyright © 2019, Joseph A. Williams
Williams Christian
MAYFIELD KY 42066-3265