Statement of sexuality
I am single at present and have chosen a celibate lifestyle. I pray daily for guidance and a desire to follow the will of God wherever it leads. If it is God’s will, I will be married someday to a woman and might have children. The following are some strategies I use to remain sexually pure. I don’t look at pornography. Never patronized a strip club or other sexually orientated business. Never visited adult bookstores. Never indulged in any sexually oriented activity while on an out of town trip. Don't allow my mind to meditate on sexual fantasy. I do have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and Pinterest accounts but spend very little time on social media. I use an antenna to view local TV channels. Do not use cable, satellite, or Internet TV. I do not watch sexually provocative TV programs or movies. I stay close to God through daily prayer, Bible study, listening to Christian music, and being active with a local church. I practice avoidance of sexual indulgences because the Bible's teachings are clear about God's desire for Christians to avoid sexual immorality. I practice what I teach clients and an example for others that abstaining from sexual immorality and remaining pure is possible.
Joseph A. Williams
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